Hello Beautiful Soul,

Remove Your Subconscious Blocks to Manifesting your Bliss Life with Soul Healing Therapy.

Using gentle self-love-based psychology and spiritual energetics we rewire your subconscious and conscious fields.

Channeled meditations guide you deep into your own power and help you embody your divine self.

Discover your purpose, your inner guidance, and the path to your Bliss Life using powerful activations.

Manifest your partner, your job, your abundance, your success using manifestation techniques downloaded directly from my Higher Self and tailored to you.

Connect with amazing men and women on the same journey and experience the healing power of soul connections through our group experiences.

Click Here To Sign Up for a Free Session!

Jess Taylor is not a licensed mental health professional and operates as a life coach. She has the training of a 5th-year Clinical Psychology PhD student but she never graduated and was not eligible to get her license. Please read the "legal stuff' for more information.

To see more testimonials scroll all the way down or click here.

Podcasts I 'guested' on:

When Manifestation Just Doesn't Seem to WORK!!!

In this episode of the Pa-Trauma Party Remy Ramirez talks to Intuitive Healer Jess Taylor about the Trauma of Manifestation Culture.

"From affirmations to visualizations to gratitude lists, manifestation culture (*cough, The Secret, cough cough*), has been making anxious and traumatized people feel like doomed spiritual invalids for A MINUTE. In this epi, I talk with intuitive healer and manifestation coach Jess Taylor (soulhealingwithjess.com) about manifestation for people who try to visualize a flowing stream but end up visualizing a car crash instead (weeeee!!!)."

-Remy Ramirez

The Trauma of Emotional Neglect and How to Heal It!

In this episode of the Pa-Trauma Party Remy Ramirez talks to Intuitive Healer Jess Taylor about the Trauma of Emotional Neglect.

"Emotional neglect! Just rolls off the tongue. It's a fun form of trauma that doesn't get the fanfare it deserves (all y'all out there searching CPTSD and anxious attachment style while emotional neglect is just over here alone in the corner ). But honestly—it's a tough topic to talk about because it's the absence of a thing. It's what didn't happen. And so it often goes unnoticed and unhealed, when actually the effects of emotional neglect go SUPER deep and show up all over our lives. In this episode, I welcome back intuitive healer and coach Jess Taylor to talk us through what it looks like, how it impacts our relationships, and how we heal."

-Remy Ramirez

Healing the Trauma of Unsafety! (And why it's vital for manifestation to work)

In this episode of the Pa-Trauma Party Remy Ramirez talks to Intuitive Healer Jess Taylor about the Trauma of Feeling Unsafe and How to Heal it!

"Feeling unsafe from childhood, feeling unsafe in your body, feeling unsafe in your country—it's all fucked, and it can affect every single aspect of your adult life. In this episode, I'm joined by intuitive healer and coach Jess Taylor
to talk about the root of feeling unsafe and what we can do to shift it."

-Remy Ramirez

How I can Help You Manifest your Dream Life...


Healing & Manifestation Blueprint

The Ultimate Online Course: Heal Your Subconscious Blocks & Manifest Your Dream Reality!

(Lifetime Access)

This course teaches you step-by-step how to identify and heal ALL your subconscious blocks so you can finally clear the way for a new and improved reality. 🌟

Manifesting isn't about techniques: Visualizing, affirmations, vision boards, scripting, and living in the end...you already know how to do that.

(If not, don’t worry—there are THREE Modules at the end of the course covering these techniques. 🧠)

It's about creating the right subconscious landscape that will LET your manifestations finally come into your 3D reality.

Techniques mold the energy of your imagination into what you desire: The money, the job, the partner ... but if you have subconscious blocks standing in the way of your energy, THEN no amount of visualizing, scripting, listening to subliminals will make your manifestations come true.

If you've tried to manifest but it's not working, it’s likely because of subconscious blocks you haven’t healed yet.

The root cause is often trauma in your past, which isn't just preventing you from manifesting what you want BUT also preventing you from accessing your subconscious.

Imagine the trauma like a boulder that cannot be moved with your conscious mind ... it can only be reached from within your subconscious.🪨

That’s where this course comes in!

I'll guide you through accessing your subconscious, healing your trauma and blocks and then I'll teach you the most effective manifestation techniques so you can finally manifest the reality you desire and deserve. 🚀

When you sign up for the course, you get instant access to

11 Modules

11 Workbooks

2 Affirmation Cheat Sheets

5 Powerful Subconscious Healing Meditations

1 Forum to Post All your Questions and get Answers from Me


You also receive, a Life-Changing Clearing Ritual that will remove all that pesky outside energy from your soul, leaving you feeling free and light, ready to manifest.

These Modules will guide you step-by-step through the entire process of healing your blocks and and manifesting your dream life:

Module 1: 📘 Begin here to get all the essential info about the course. Don’t skip it—this is your foundation!

Module 2: "The Mechanics of Manifestation" 🛠️ Understand why EMOTION is the most powerful tool to change your reality and how to harness it to serve your purpose!

Module 3: "The Inner Workings of Your Brain" 🧠 Learn about my groundbreaking brain rewiring techniques and how to use them to finally switch your survival braing from fight/flight to peace.

Module 4: 🧩 Identify your subconscious blocks and find out exactly how to heal them.

Module 5 & 6: 🧠 Actively rewire your survival brain. Create the affirmations that shift your brain from scarcity to abundance.

Module 7 & 8: 🧘‍♀️ Create the unconditional self-love and healing needed to permanently shift into the reality of your wishes fulfilled and finally live in abundance, overflow, the perfect relationship, ideal health, and total fulfillment.

Modules 9, 10, and 11: 💡 Discover ALL the techniques I use to make manifestation easy and effortless. These long modules are packed with everything I used to manifest my desires.


1:1 Soul Healing Sessions (60 Minutes)

😍In these 1:1 Sessions I will use my connection to my Higher Self to feel into how to best help you reach your desired state of being. Often that means showing you the path towards loving yourself, teaching you how to calm down your survival brain, and guide you on rewiring your subconscious so that you are permanently healed.


Soul Healing Circle - Ten Souls Only


(Consultation Call Necessary)


👨‍👩‍👧‍👧This is the year where I help you re-parent yourself in the cradle of a family we create for the purpose of healing. You receive the unconditional love, guidance, and approval that you always craved and always deserved. THIS family we forge lasts beyond this one year as the bonds we create are real and unbreakable.

🫂Within the love of this family, where you get to experience making mistakes, being vulnerable, and being authentically yourself without rejection, without disdain, without judgment and instead be welcomed and showered with approval and understanding, you will find healing, self-love, total confidence, and inner peace.

🧠I will show you how to permanently rewire your survival brain into calm, peace, and self-mastery. I will teach you how to connect with your higher self and spirit and expand your gifts of clairvoyance, mediumship, healing and energy work.

👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💵🏡🚀I will show you how to manifest any and all of your desires using imagination, energy, and intention.

💖At the end of this year, you will be healed, whole, confident, and a master manifestor who can give herself ANYTHING she desires, including a partner, a perfect job, a business that fulfills her and the money that keeps her safe and free.

How it will work:

➡️We will meet for Group Sessions every WEEK (52 Sessions).

➡️We will meet for 1:1 Sessions every WEEK (52 Sessions).

➡️AND there will be Zoom Check-Ins 2 Times a WEEK (104 Check Ins).


🫂You will be with me and/or your family FOUR times a week.🫂

💞You will be immersed in support and love and understanding and constant and consistent guidance on how to love yourself, forgive yourself, heal your traumas, and rewire your overthinking survival brain into relaxation and calm. 🧭


THIS immersive experience is necessary to radically REWRITE your survival trauma brain into a healed, relaxed, and confident brain.



➡️ Access to the Healing and Manifestation Blueprint Online Course ... a journey through the process of healing your soul, rewiring your brain, and aligining with your manifestation magic. 11 In-Depth Video Modules leading you through the entire process I used to heal myself. From understanding the dynamics of your survival brain, to creating brain-soothing affirmations that work for you, rewiring your subconscious through inner child healing meditations, and learning everything you need to start manifesting intentionally. This course is chock full of exercises, explanations, workbooks, and meditations, designed to lead you step-by-step through your own transformation process.

➡️ Bonus 1: You receive Access to the Membership Price for Additional Sessions (currently at $111)

➡️ Bonus 2: You get 24/7 voice and text message support from me. I usually respond within 12 Hours (often a lot sooner).

More Testimonials...

What is the Soul Healing Therapy System ?

Foundational Framework

Tribal Theory of Emotion: Love as a Measure of Safety

by Jess Taylor (Copyright 2020)

Our brains evolved to survive through belonging to a Tribe. That means our brains developed highly sensitive systems to perceive when our belonging was threatened. That's why we are so sensitive to rejection and, by extension, criticism. Because it meant death if we got expelled from the Tribe.   

Your brain is in CONSTANTLY fighting for Survival by desperately trying to predict and avoid potential rejection (and expulsion) from the Tribe. It doesn't matter that there is no Tribe that holds the power over your life and death.    Your brain is still the brain from the stone age. It hasn't caught up to the modern world (unfortunately, there may be parts of the world where being kicked out of the Tribe/Family could still mean death or at least extreme poverty.)  

If this Tribal Survival Brain of yours grew up in a Tribe where it experienced rejection, criticism, aggression, violence, disapproval, disdain, contempt, Shaming, guilting, brow-beating, cold-shouldering, withholding of love/care, blaming and making responsible for other people's feelings, helplessness, loneliness, abandonment, neglect, sexual abuse....IT NEVER LEARNED TO FEEL SAFE.   

Our brain measures how safe we are (belonging to the tribe) by how loved we feel. And when it's never felt SAFE because the love it received was unpredictable or was conditional or completely absent, it developed: perfectionism, self-blame, people-pleasing, argumentativeness, self-reliance, isolation, high-achievingness and all sorts of other ways to try and control, predict and avoid 'rejection' in all its forms. (Everything we are afraid of comes down to the fear of rejection.)  

And no matter how much you UNDERSTAND all this on an intellectual level, your Tribal Brain will not stop its fight for survival at the most primal level of you until it feels safe.  

Self-love is the only way to truly make your brain feel safe...because that love is not dependent on anyone else.   

How I help create self-love for even the most stubborn brains!

The Techniques

1. Calming Down the Survival Brain: Validation Affirmations

But to get to that feeling of self-love, we have to first CALM DOWN your survival brain’s defenses. And we do this NOT by fighting with it or arguing with it, but by making it feel heard and seen and validated … just like we would with a small child. (And, of course, in reality, your inner children LIVE inside your survival brain’s deeper levels … inside your subconscious.)  

We can’t make it feel safe yet … but the next best thing is to make it (and by extension all your inner children and traumatic memories) feel seen and heard.  

Think of your survival brain’s self-blaming, worrying, perfectionistic thoughts as MESSAGES of survival. And it’s sending them to you. To your consciousness. And when you argue with the message, when you dismiss the message, when you say that you shouldn’t feel this way or that everything will be okay … it will only get louder. It wants to be heard and seen. MORE SO, than it wants you to actually solve anything. And that is the TRICK that I learned that is not taught in any psychology program, that no therapist is taught, or guru or coach. All your brain needs to start calming down is to feel understood.  

Now, these affirmations are unique to everyone’s brain, experiences, and personality. That’s a big part of what I do in my 1:1 Therapy … I help you write your own Self-Validation Affirmations. Ones that resonate with your brain. Ones that actually calm down your nervous system. They have to FEEL GOOD or we rewrite them until they do. I cannot give you cookie-cutter affirmations. Everyone’s self-validation affirmations are slightly different, because everyone associates different things with different words.  

But here are some examples that work for me:   Of course, I’m afraid. It makes sense that I am given everything I’ve been through. Of course, I feel guilty all the time … for everything. It makes sense that I do given a childhood of neglect and abuse. Of course, I have a hard time saying no. Of course, I’m afraid of disappointing and upsetting others. It makes sense that I feel this way given the abuse and neglect of my childhood.   Some of these affirmations don’t resonate with me as much anymore. That’s because I healed a lot of the underlying traumas and had to upgrade my affirmations.  

2. Rewiring the Survival Brain: Worthiness Affirmations

THE next step is to create Worthiness Affirmations. These are affirmations that start to rewrite the survival brain’s foundation and is us getting as close to our subconscious as we can using our conscious mind. These Affirmations start with wherever you are at.

Here’s what I mean:  

Most of the typical affirmations that are recommended are things like “I love myself”, “I am beautiful and capable”, “I attract success and wealth into my life”  

But those never worked for me because my survival brain’s deeper layers filled with trauma-based beliefs are completely contradictory to those affirmations.   And all that would happen when I said them would be an instant resistance or just a hollow feeling.  

3. Rewriting the Subconcious Mind: Creating Self-Love & Healing the Traumas

AND NOW WE ARE READY to create the emotion of LOVE for yourself and rewrite the trauma memories of your inner children and rewire your subconscious mind.   And we do this by creating hypnosis-based visual spirit journeys. These are journeys that are guided by my intuition or higher self (whatever you choose to believe in) and this is where I lead you to the beginning of your life and we start a relationship with your infant self. Through this relationship and through these journeys you will begin to feel true and unconditional love for yourself. (The substance your soul is made from and your direct connection to your higher self.)

Sometimes the self-love comes through fast and you feel it very quickly, sometimes it takes multiple sessions before the self-love starts to come through. When the self-love comes through, we use it to travel from memory to memory, rewriting them, empowering the child, making them feel safe, worthy, protected, and loved.  

And we continue to do this for all the core memories inside your subconscious WHILE you are also upgrading to better and better worthiness affirmations.

The Results

Over the years, I have helped so many people go from people-pleasing, perfectionistic, overthinking, self-blaming, worried brains to calm, collected, peaceful souls that are impatient to start living the lives they have always wanted to live. And if they were a believer in manifestation and the Woo Woo world, they often also manifested amazing things like partners, perfect jobs, money and opportunities into their lives. And became aligned with their higher selves, their psychic gifts, and intution.  

I developed and created Soul Healing Therapy Programs and Workshops and Events ... because I want to reach as many anxious, overthinking, perfectionistic trauma brains as I can. I want to help them rewire their brains from fight-or-flight to that same sense of calm and inner peace that I finally found...and help them manifest their dreams.

Because trauma brains deserve the same happiness as everyone else.


Your Coach

Jess Taylor

Masters in Psychology

Soul Healer

Self-Love Therapist

Manifestation Teacher

Jess Taylor has developed multiple therapy programs based on neuroscientific principles to permanently create self-love, rewrite self-limiting beliefs, heal manifestation blocking memories and traumas, and create magnetic energetics in a person's energy field.

The Legal Stuff >>> Please READ

Jess Taylor is not a licensed mental health professional. By registering for the course, workshop, challenge, or therapy program you agree to assume full responsibility for your mental health and seek professional mental health care if needed or suggested by Jess Taylor. You further agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Jess Taylor and Soul Healing with Jess, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, representatives and/or agents from any claim, liability, loss, cost, damage, judgment, settlement or expense (including attorney's fees) resulting from or arising in any way out of injury (including death or suicide) to any person or damage to property arising in any way out of any act, error, omission or negligence on the part of Jess Taylor and/or Soul Healing with Jess in the performance or failure to fulfill the above services or obligations.

© Soul Healing with Jess, LLC 2024